Friday, 1 February 2013

The Clearing Skies

The journey to a destination starts off with the ability and determination to take the first step. But seldom, you get convinced with the current setting on the flat ground and hardly make an attempt to move out of the comfort level. It is not because you don’t want to take the path, but it is just the postponement of things and the lazy attitude residing within that makes you stay put with the present state.

Once the first step is taken, you are on board to witness something that is to slowly but definitely unveil. Interestingly the perception here changes. The attitude that was so far holding you back from taking the first step now encourages you to explore beyond, to identify new avenues and on the way, pick characteristics that interest you and motivate you and gather attributes that strengthen you.

Now, you may ask what destination this path leads to. Some may find the idea of driving through the rough road amidst thick fog, ridiculous. But if you have a passion to achieve something, the strong grit and determination to go after your dream, the one thing that you want to pursue in life then it is worthwhile to put on the right shoes and take the first step.

Another important factor that supports this endeavor is inspiration and influence. You may be influenced by people, by circumstances and tend to get inspired and motivated by their actions and ideas. This adds food for thought and keeps you focused and on track. However, there are aspects that also suppress and dilute motivational thoughts and in some cases can be unavoidable. And it is always good to stay ignorant and let go off such things that may hinder you from taking the next step. 

Prosopopoeia asks you to stay patient and work towards your goals and go after your dreams with dedication and determination. My first post in 2013, as I sincerely put in efforts to climb up and patiently wait for the skies to get cleared and unveil the ultimate reality in store for me!

1 comment:

  1. good thinking! I guess hard times show their ugly faces now and then and keeping a positive attitude and waiting for the dark clouds to pass helps! Hope you have a rocking year, Rags! Good write-up!
